Er hitinn aš verša óbęrilegur ķ hellinum

Anskotans aulagangur hjį BNA aš vera ekki bśnir aš nį honum. Bin Laden hefur įhyggjur af hlżnun jaršar
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon

Žaš er engin Bin Laden til!! Meira kjaftęšiš..  Žetta er ekkert annaš en įróšursmaskķna kanans...

 Ef Tablibanar drepa bandarķskan hermann ķ žeirra eigin landi žį er žaš hryšjuverk..

Ef Bandarķkin sprengir heilt žorp af saklausum borgurum ķ Afganistan žį er žaš mistök!!

Žiš sem virkilega haldiš aš Bandarķkin séu ķ Afganistan af einhverri hugsjón!! Take a second look!

Ef žiš haldiš virkilega aš innrįs Bandarķkjana ķ Ķrak sé aš gera heiminn öruggari! Take a second look!

Ef žiš virkilega haldiš aš Al-Qaeda hafi stašiš aš įrįs į tvķburaturnana! Take a second look!

Fólk veršur aš fara aš taka hausinn śr rassgatinu į sér og hętta aš trśa öllu žvķ sem okkur er fóšraš frį fjölmišlum..

Trausti (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 12:27

2 identicon

Er ekki bara lķklegast aš USA sé aš reyna aš samnżta tękifęrin... leysa afghanistan viš talķbana og fį svo olķu ķ leišinni.

Žaš er allavega pottžétt aš ef lķtil fyrirtęki geta markašssett sig į einhvern hįtt og sżnt góšur hlišar, fališ slęmar... žį geta Bandarķkin pottžétt gert žaš sama... og gert žaš enn betur.

Žaš er alveg pottžétt aš  myndin sem viš höfum af Bandarķkjastjórn er ekki 100% rétt, en žaš er reyndar lķka pottžétt aš myndin sem viš höfum af hinum hlišunum er ekki heldur 100% pottžétt.

Žaš sama į viš um ašrar deilur, t.d. deilurnar milli Ķsrael og Palestķnu.  Žar sem Palestķnu hefur tekist mjög vel ķ markašssetningunni, allavega hér į landi.  Svo hefur Ķsrael tekist betur upp t.d. ķ Bandarķkjunum.


Žaš žżšir vķst ekki bara aš taka viš fréttatilkynningunum frį žessum löndum og treysta žvķ aš žęr segi allan sannleikann.

tb (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 12:51

3 Smįmynd: Siguršur Siguršsson

Vį strax komnar samsęriskenningar.

Siguršur Siguršsson, 1.10.2010 kl. 12:52

4 Smįmynd: Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson

Trausti,įn žess aš vera aš taka upp hanskann fyrir BNA eša Bin Laden, en viš sem trśum öllu sem er fóšraš ķ okkur ķ fjölmišlum, hverjum žeirra eigum viš aš trśa?  Ef viš eigum ekki aš fį upplżsingar okkar frį fjölmišlum, hvašan eigum viš aš fį žęr?  Spyr sį sem "greinilega" ekki veit.

Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson, 1.10.2010 kl. 13:08

5 identicon

Žetta er eldgömmul frétt.

Getiš hlustaš į ręšuna hans Osama hérna.

palli (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 13:19

6 identicon

Helduru virkilega aš USA vęru ekki bśnir aš finna Bin Laden ef žeir vildu žaš?

Helduru virkilega aš mašur sem bżr ķ helli hafi skipulagt 9/11?

Veistu hvaš USA eru aš gręša mikiš į strķšinu ķ Ķrak og Afganistan?

Jökull (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 14:22

7 identicon


 Hefur žś einhverntķmann hugsaš śt ķ žį stašreynd aš žś trśir sjįlfur į samsęriskenningu!!

 Sś samsęriskenning kemur frį rķkisstjórn Bush!!

 Og žś efašist aldrei!!

Trausti (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 14:44

8 identicon

Bush flaug flugvélinni sjįlfur į turnana. Ef žiš horfiš į vidjó af 9/11 ķ slow mótion getiš žiš séš hann hoppa śt ķ fallhlķf.

palli (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 15:44

9 Smįmynd: Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson

Ég tek undir meš Palla

Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson, 1.10.2010 kl. 16:57

10 identicon


Hinsvegar ef žiš horfiš į turnana falla žį er nóg aš vera meš smį grunn ķ ešlisfręši til aš sjį aš svona gerist ekki vegna flugvélar. Žetta kallast controlled demolition į ensku.

Jökull (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 17:26

11 Smįmynd: Sveinn Žór Hrafnsson

Garšar Valur og Siggi Sig

Hér er aš finna góša grein hvernig mašur į aš standa sig ķ aš lęra tilveruna upp į nżtt.

Žś tekur ekki viš samsęriskenningum afžvķ einhver sagši. Žś žarft aš gera žķna eigin rannsókn. Ég sjįlfur byrjaši vikuna sem bankarnir hrundu. Og raunverulega var ķ allavega tvo ef ekki žrį mįnuši aš rannsaka og lęra.

Nś skil ég mun betur allt žetta bull sem er dęlt yfir okkur af erlendu fjölmišlunum, Eša skil betur hvaš liggur aš baki.

Svona nś ekki gera bara grķn af samsęriskenningum, heiminum hefur veriš stjórnaš aš valda miklu fólki ķ žśsundar įra af hverju haldi žiš aš žetta fólk sé hętt aš stjórna? Bara fariš ķ frķ?   Nei svo er ekki..

Sveinn Žór Hrafnsson, 1.10.2010 kl. 22:12

12 Smįmynd: el-Toro

mjög góš athugasemd hjį Sveini Žór. er mjög žarfleg sķša fyrir žį sem vilja hugsa sjįlfstętt og śt fyrir ramma okkar blessušu fjölmišla-elķtu.  sem er ķ raun ekkert annaš copy/paste frį evrópu og bandarķkjunum.

ein af stęrstu įstęšum žess aš bandarķkin eru ķ afganistan er sś aš aušlyndir evróasķu eru žęr langstęrstu sem enn eru ónżttar ķ heiminum.  fyrir žį sem žekkja ašferšir bandarķkjanna ķ aš sękjast eftir aušlyndum annarra kemur žetta ekkert į óvart.  en fyrir žį sem ekki vita, žį eru bandarķkin ķ krafti "superpower" sķns aš seilast ķ žessar aušlyndir įšur en löndin žarna komast į žaš stig aš geta nżtt sķnar aušlyndir sjįlf.  til žess aš bandarķkin geti gert allt žetta įn žess aš verša fyrir aškasti landanna sem hugsanlega vilja virkja aušlyndir sķnar sjįlf en hafa einfaldlega ekki efni į žvķ, žį žurfa bandarķkin aš halda uppi ótta žessara rķkja sem og ótta ķ hinum vestręna heimi.  allir žurfa aš óttast žann óvin sem įšur hét sovétrķkin (hét bandarķkin ķ rķkjum sovétrķkjanna).  óttast hann svo mikiš aš bandarķkin geti haldiš śti herliši og stundaš sinn hernaš meš fjölmišlana gargandi "danger danger" og hręša allan heimin um hinn illa osama bin laden og al-qaeda eša talibana.  birta stanslausar fréttir um yfirvofandi įrįsir hryšjuverkamanna į vesturlöndum.  allt til žess eins aš fį okkur til aš samžykkja hęttuna svo bandarķkin geti haldiš śti herliši ķ žessum löndum.  bandarķskar herstöšvar eru ķ mörgum af žessum löndum sem tilheira evróasķu.

žaš sem stendur hér aš ofan eru stašreindir sem hęgt er aš lesa sér til um į netinu.  žaš er ekki eitt rķki į žessu svęši sem bandarķkin, eu eša kķna er ekki meš fjįrfestingar ķ gangi.

alveg eins var Vietnam strķšiš hįš af bandarķkjunum til aš sķna žjóšunum ķ kring hvaš biši žeirra ef žau svo mikiš sem leifšu sér aš dreyma um aš slķta sig frį įhrifum bandarķkjanna og kapitalismans.  ķ žeim skilningi er hęgt aš segja aš bandarķkin hafi unniš vķetnam strķšiš, žó svo hin skošunin um aš žeir hafi ķ raun tapaš strķšinu séu góš og gild lķka.  engar uppreisnir litu žó dagsins ljós žarna nęstu įratugina į eftir fyrir utan raušu khmerana ķ kambodķu.  og viti menn, bandarķkin studdu žį ķ byrjun.

svo er gott aš hafa ķ huga žau atriši sem knśa bandarķkin įfram.  wall street, rķkir gyšingar, vopnaframleišendur, risa-fyrirtękin og olķufurstarnir.  bandarķkin snśast ķ kringum žessa žrżstihópa.  engin getur oršiš forseti bandarķkjanna nema halda žessum žrżstihópum rólegum.

svo aš lokum fyrir žį sem vilja byrja aš lesa sér til um hlutina.  žį eru oft góšar greinar um hin og žessi mįl į  žaš aš lesa sér til um į wikipedia er góš byrjun.  wikipedia skoraši um 92% ķ sannleykagildi žess efnis sem hśn inniheldur fyrir nokkrum įrum.  į sama tķma skoraši brittanica sem er ritstżršur vefur 94% ķ samskonar könnun. 

 góšar stundir

el-Toro, 1.10.2010 kl. 23:31

13 identicon

Siguršur! Osama hefur sennilega veriš daušur sķšan Desember 2001...

Allar žessar upptökur sem hafa birst meš karlinum sķšustu įr hafa veriš falsanir samkvęmt helstu sérfręšingum...žar į mešal myndbandiš žar sem hann į aš hafa jįtaš į sig 11. sept...Žessar fölsušu upptökur hafa allar komiš frį einum og sama ašilanum....žaš er sama ašila og žessi frétt mbl vķsar į sem heimild...  

og svo

Kevin Barrett

As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)

It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.

The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn’t him.

The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).

Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)

Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin Laden’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)

The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?

Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)

Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.

And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)

As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

About the author

Dr Barrett holds a PhD in Arabic, with a focus on Islamic studies, from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is cofounder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth:


(Guardian 04) The Making of the Terror Myth. The Guardian, Oct 10 2004.,12780,1327904,00.html

(ABC 04) A. Rupinta. Duke Professor Sceptical of Bin Laden Tape. ABC News, Jan. 19, 2006.

(Wiki 2004) Responsibility for the September 11, 2001 Attacks. Wikipedia, 2004.,_2001_attacks

(911Res 2005) “Fatty” bin Laden. 911 Research. 2005.

(Guardian 2002) B. Whittaker. Swiss Scientists 95% Sure that Bin Laden Recording Was a Fake. The Guardian, Jan 30, 2002.,12469,851112,00.html

(CNN 2004) Larry King Live. Bin Laden Releases New Videotape. CNN. Oct 24, 2004.

Referred to in WRH. [hot link “WRH” to following URL:]

(AC 2005) Deep Background. American Conservative. Aug. 1, 2005.

discussed in [hot link to “” to following URL.]

Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes

Kevin Barrett

As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)

It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.

The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn’t him.

The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).

Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)

Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin Laden’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)

The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?

Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)

Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.

And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)

As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

About the author

Dr Barrett holds a PhD in Arabic, with a focus on Islamic studies, from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is cofounder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth:


(Guardian 04) The Making of the Terror Myth. The Guardian, Oct 10 2004.,12780,1327904,00.html

(ABC 04) A. Rupinta. Duke Professor Sceptical of Bin Laden Tape. ABC News, Jan. 19, 2006.

(Wiki 2004) Responsibility for the September 11, 2001 Attacks. Wikipedia, 2004.,_2001_attacks

(911Res 2005) “Fatty” bin Laden. 911 Research. 2005.

(Guardian 2002) B. Whittaker. Swiss Scientists 95% Sure that Bin Laden Recording Was a Fake. The Guardian, Jan 30, 2002.,12469,851112,00.html

(CNN 2004) Larry King Live. Bin Laden Releases New Videotape. CNN. Oct 24, 2004.

Referred to in WRH. [hot link “WRH” to following URL:]

(AC 2005) Deep Background. American Conservative. Aug. 1, 2005.

discussed in [hot link to “” to following URL.]

© 2003-2010 S.P.I.N.E.             Login

Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes

Kevin Barrett

As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)

It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.

The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn’t him.

The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).

Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)

Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin Laden’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)

The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?

Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)

Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.

And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)

As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

About the author

Dr Barrett holds a PhD in Arabic, with a focus on Islamic studies, from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is cofounder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth:


(Guardian 04) The Making of the Terror Myth. The Guardian, Oct 10 2004.,12780,1327904,00.html

(ABC 04) A. Rupinta. Duke Professor Sceptical of Bin Laden Tape. ABC News, Jan. 19, 2006.

(Wiki 2004) Responsibility for the September 11, 2001 Attacks. Wikipedia, 2004.,_2001_attacks

(911Res 2005) “Fatty” bin Laden. 911 Research. 2005.

(Guardian 2002) B. Whittaker. Swiss Scientists 95% Sure that Bin Laden Recording Was a Fake. The Guardian, Jan 30, 2002.,12469,851112,00.html

(CNN 2004) Larry King Live. Bin Laden Releases New Videotape. CNN. Oct 24, 2004.

Referred to in WRH. [hot link “WRH” to following URL:]

(AC 2005) Deep Background. American Conservative. Aug. 1, 2005.

discussed in [hot link to “” to following URL.]

© 2003-2010 S.P.I.N.E.             Login

Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes

Kevin Barrett

As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)

It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.

The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn’t him.

The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).

Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)

Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin Laden’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)

The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?

Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)

Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.

And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)

As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.

About the author

Dr Barrett holds a PhD in Arabic, with a focus on Islamic studies, from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is cofounder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth:


(Guardian 04) The Making of the Terror Myth. The Guardian, Oct 10 2004.,12780,1327904,00.html

(ABC 04) A. Rupinta. Duke Professor Sceptical of Bin Laden Tape. ABC News, Jan. 19, 2006.

(Wiki 2004) Responsibility for the September 11, 2001 Attacks. Wikipedia, 2004.,_2001_attacks

(911Res 2005) “Fatty” bin Laden. 911 Research. 2005.

(Guardian 2002) B. Whittaker. Swiss Scientists 95% Sure that Bin Laden Recording Was a Fake. The Guardian, Jan 30, 2002.,12469,851112,00.html

(CNN 2004) Larry King Live. Bin Laden Releases New Videotape. CNN. Oct 24, 2004.

Referred to in WRH. [hot link “WRH” to following URL:]

(AC 2005) Deep Background. American Conservative. Aug. 1, 2005.

discussed in [hot link to “” to following URL.]

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magus (IP-tala skrįš) 1.10.2010 kl. 23:45

14 Smįmynd: Siguršur Siguršsson

Jį sęll. magus setur hér inn svakalegan langhund sem ég nenni ekki aš lesa. En eflaust er eitthvaš til ķ öllum žessum samsęriskenningum en mér er eiginlega bara nįkvęmlega sama. Ég hef bara nóg meš aš komast ķ gegnum žennan tįradal sem ķslenskt žjóšfélag er aš breytast ķ.

Siguršur Siguršsson, 2.10.2010 kl. 13:56

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